
「生命」とは何か [デザイン/建築]

21_21 デザインサイトで昨年行われた「セカンドネイチャー」展のカタログに寄稿した文章です。






What is life? This question is an eternal one for the human race, and probably arose when humans first began to use language and higher thought. Philosophers, theologians, doctors, and other wise people of old have left fragments of their ponderings about the nature of life. There has not been an answer. Still, people continue to think about this question and I am no exception. “What is life?” I have only my own opinions on the subject to present, and however presumptuous this may be, I wish to search through about a decade’s worth of memories on the subject and discuss my own personal experiences.

“We’ll soon be flying over Rome.” A little while after that announcement from the cockpit of the nighttime Alitalia flight, I was gazing at what appeared to be the Milky Way in the pitch-black Tyrrhenian Sea. It was my first time to visit Naples. Before my departure, I had heard from people only dismal impressions that the city was dangerous and dirty, but when I arrived, I found it to be filled with a mysterious and delightful air, just as described by Goethe and Andersen. I was being paid by a magazine for the trip and had to begin research the following morning. Once I began, I quickly became certain of the fact that maps were utterly useless in the city. Maps are just flat projections on a piece of paper. While it was possible to decipher streets and building shapes from them, I noticed that such representations were meaningless in this city. I knew ahead of time that they wouldn’t be as helpful as the guide maps for a shopping mall in a crowded city, but I was completely unprepared for the deep folds and ruffles in which to get lost in this Naples. I could not even figure out where I wanted to go. It was arrogant of me to believe I could get around with just a map.

Everything about Naples seemed to challenge my powers of comprehension. There seemed to be a different “Naples” for every person I asked. Aside from its physical existence, a city is also a memory. I remembered the somewhat cryptic advice Italian designer Andrea Branzi had given me when I had the occasion to interview him. He said, “Naples is a great city, but who you meet is very important.” Time had “accumulated” in layers all over the city. Going down one layer meant seeing an entirely different era. Occasionally these layers of history would overlap in complex ways, and running into them was confusing. A humble-looking woman from the city would be discussing the philosophy of Epicurus, while the intelligentsia of the west Naples would be talking about the product quality of Prada. I came to believe that the erratic, complex “crypticness” was the life of Naples.

At the time, the buzz everywhere was about information technologies, and people predicted that the IT revolution would transform the world into an ideal place, one in which different peoples could quickly develop an understanding of each other. Is that the case? Does quick and easy understanding of others bring about happiness? The “life” I felt 10 years ago under the skies of southern Italy was, simply put, “mystery”. By this I do not mean that life is a mystery, but rather that life exists in what we do not comprehend, and in what we cannot learn about one another. Other people, love, the future, the world, one’s life, and even oneself: these are all things filled with impenetrable mystery. Yet we still wish to find out. We yearn to understand. That, I think, is where life resides. Solving all of these mysteries would mean life itself running out. Giving up on trying to understand is giving up on life. In my final moments on this earth, I want all of the mysteries to unravel in an instant before my eyes. I want to be able to say to myself, “Ah! So that’s what that was,” and then depart this life, taking the next step on the journey.

These are nothing more than my thoughts, and I hope readers will forgive me for my naiveté. However, there is no doubt in my mind that this view of life I developed in Naples still motivates me. Although I am employed as an editor, I have since ceased trying to apply order to chaos, rearrange things neatly, and make them easier for the reader to understand. In fact, I believe I shouldn’t make things easier to understand. Instead of simplifying the complex, I think about how to get people to accept complexity as it is. How can I convey this or that without draining the life out of it? I spend most of my time wrestling with that question. I believe that it was W. Ross Ashby, who lived during the dawn of systems engineering and authored An Introduction to Cybernetics, who said that in order to understand a complex environment, one must become at least as complex as that environment. Even as I live out my life waiting for the death that will inevitably claim me by virtue of being a human being, I still want to feel the sense that I am alive, right now at this very instant, so my ultimate wish is to become as complex as life itself.



  • 作者: 吉岡 徳仁
  • 出版社/メーカー: 求龍堂
  • 発売日: 2008/10
  • メディア: 単行本

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